door child lock

4 Tips for Using a Door Child Lock to Prevent Bath Drownings, and Which Lock is Best

door child lock


Did you know children ages 1-4 have the highest drowning rates? They are quite mobile, and all it takes is a brief minute for your toddler or preschooler to get into a very dangerous situation. Luckily, you can start taking steps today to prevent this from becoming your reality. And of course, a door child lock is part of the solution!

Today, let’s discuss bath drownings and what you can do to prevent your child from becoming a statistic.

Prepare ahead of time

Prior to bathing your child, gather all supplies, towels, shampoo, body wash, etc., so they are right beside you and you can keep one hand on baby at all times.

Drain the water FIRST

Drain water immediately after bath, before removing the child so you don’t forget. You must eliminate standing bathwater that a child could later fall into.

Stay close, no matter what

Never leave your child unattended in the bathtub, and continue to monitor bath time through the preschool years.


door child lock

Install a door child lock to prevent access to the bathroom

You want to avoid a situation where your child would wander into the bathroom unattended and fill up the bathtub themselves while you’re cooking dinner, caring for other children, or on a phone call.

The GlideLok Child Safety Door Top Lock can serve this purpose.

  • It sits at the very top of your door, so you can reach it but your child cannot.
  • It’s made of durable metal instead of flimsy plastic, so this door child lock will last you for many years.
  • The GlideLok opens from BOTH sides of the door, which is a huge benefit. This is especially true if you have a door handle instead of a knob, because many competitor child door locks only open from one side, setting up a dangerous situation where the parent can become accidentally trapped in a room with the lock engaged on the other side.
  • The GlideLok is super easy to operate. It simply slides across the top of your door to lock and unlock. There’s no need to struggle with locks that are a pain to figure out how to operate.

We invite you to check out what our customers have to say about the GlideLok. They can say it way better than we can! See customer testimonials for GlideLok.

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