Install + Troubleshoot Your New GlideLok


Pencil, screwdriver and drill



For doors up to 1-3/8" thick:
Leave the spacer bar attached.
For doors up to 1-13/16" thick: 
You may need to remove the spacer bar to fit the GlideLok on top of your door. Use a #2 Phillips drill bit, and be careful to avoid stripping out the screws. 

GlideLok sliding component for childproofing doors


components for GlideLok childproof door kit


First, watch the video at the top of this page. Customers who view this video have far fewer problems installing their GlideLok.

Next, ensure that you received all 3 parts shown above. If you did not receive all parts, email

GlideLok top of door lock for babyproofing


Place GlideLok Part C on top of your door with the U-shaped slot about 6" from the door edge over your door knob. The GlideLok screw (Part A) and peg (Part B) should be installed on the non-flush side of the door frame. (See picture above. The non-flush side does not show the hinges.) Remember, the GlideLok can still operate from BOTH sides of the door, regardless of which side the peg is on.

marking spot to drill pilot hole


With the door closed, “test glide” the GlideLok to ensure it slides smoothly. If it does not, adjustments to the door may need to be made. (See troubleshooting tips starting at 2:16 of this video.) Mark where you want to drill on the door frame, using a pencil lined up at the center of the U-shaped slot. Or, for even better accuracy, slide the peg just above the narrow opening of the GlideLok U-shaped piece. Use the screw to mark the exact spot you want to drill.

drill pilot hole in door frame


To prevent wood damage, drill a 1/8” pilot hole into the spot you marked on the door frame..

installing the GlideLok on interior door


Place the screw (Part A) into the peg (Part B). Use a #2 Phillips drill bit to screw the peg into the 1/8” hole from Step #4. Close the door, and the GlideLok U-shaped slot will slide onto the peg to secure the door.


top of door lock for childproofing on door

How do I install the GlideLok on an exterior door?

The screw and peg will need to be installed outside, since they must go on the side of the door without the hinges. But that’s OK!

The GlideLok is not meant to be a security lock, and it is designed to open from BOTH sides of the door by an adult. That is what prevents you from being locked out accidentally, because many childproof door locks only lock / unlock from one side.

For most exterior doors, you will also need to remove the spacer bar (from GlideLok Part C) with a #2 Phillips drill bit. Be careful to avoid stripping the screws.


What if I have to install the screw and peg on the wrong side of the door?

The screw and peg will always go on the side of the door WITHOUT the hinges. This will be the side where the door is NOT flush with the frame.

But remember, regardless of which side of the door the GlideLok must be installed on, an adult can still lock / unlock it from BOTH sides!


What if I can’t reach the top of my door to slide the GlideLok across?

GlideLok Part C has two slots where you can attach special rods on both sides. If you are unable to reach the top of your door, the rods make sliding the GlideLok much easier. You can purchase the GlideLok rod 2-pack here. (You will need two so there is one on each side.)

rods for GlideLok to use on tall doors or for shorter adults


What if I’m installing on French doors or double doors?

You will need one GlideLok for each door. If the two doors face each other (like double French doors), the GlideLok will be positioned the same way on each door. See example photos below.


GlideLok shown on double french doors


Please be sure you have watched the full video above. At the end, we demonstrate the troubleshooting tips discussed here. It is much easier to understand on video!
If GlideLok does not glide smoothly on top of door ...
Rub a votive candle or other wax / lubricant on all contact points, including the underside of the GlideLok, the top of the door, and the door frame.

If space between door frame and top of door is too tight for GlideLok ...
Sand down the top of the door by just a millimeter to allow clearance for the GlideLok. Use 80-grit or lower sandpaper, or a belt sander will make it even easier.

If installing on door with weather stripping ...
Six inches of weather stripping may need to be removed before installing to allow the GlideLok to slide properly.

If door fits too tightly against frame ...
Insert small rubber bumper (like the clear adhesive cabinet bumpers) on top corner of door frame (over door knob) to allow space for the GlideLok.

rubber bumper against door frame

If your door is too thick for the GlideLok ...
You may need to remove the spacer bar. Use a #2 Phillips drill bit, and apply gentle pressure so screws will not strip. With the spacer bar removed, the GlideLok will fit doors up to 1-13/16” thick.

If your door is too thin for the GlideLok ...
Try adding adhesive felt pads on the inside of the GlideLok to fill up the extra space.

If you have trouble with the GlideLok sliding too far in either direction ...
Peel and stick small rubber bumpers (like the clear adhesive cabinet bumpers) near the top of your door, in the spots where you want the GlideLok to stop sliding.

GlideLok between two rubber bumpers


If the peg will not stay secure in the door frame ...
You may need to substitute a longer screw to work better with your particular door frame.



If you still have issues after reading these tips, please do not return this product to the store. We are the inventors of the GlideLok and are responsive to emails.

We would love to help you! Most issues can be solved if you contact us. Just email
This product contains small parts. The product components, packaging, and instructions are not toys for any age child.


The GlideLok childproof door lock must be properly installed according to the provided instructions to function correctly. Improper installation may result in product failure, potential injury, or property damage.

This product is a supplementary safety measure only and does NOT replace active adult supervision. Children or dependent individuals may still find ways to bypass the lock.

EMERGENCY SAFETY WARNING: Users are solely responsible for ensuring that all occupants can evacuate safely in an emergency. As the GlideLok is intended to restrict door operation, we strongly recommend establishing and practicing an emergency exit plan.

Regularly inspect the GlideLok for wear, damage, or loose components. Discontinue use immediately if the lock is compromised.

By purchasing and using this product, you acknowledge and accept all risks associated with its use or misuse. The manufacturer, brand owner, distributor, and retailer assume no liability for any injury, loss, or damage resulting from its use. You expressly waive and release them from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from the GlideLok.

If you do not agree to these terms, do NOT install or use the GlideLok.