Child Proof Door Locks in Toronto for Your Utility Room
The best way to prevent any type of danger is to prevent your child from encountering it. The GlideLok is the best way to accomplish this task. Compared to other child proof door locks in Toronto, the GlideLok is much more accessible and has many safety features that outclass the competition. If you are looking to purchase the GlideLok, click here. If you need help with installation in Toronto, please reach out to our friends Kiddie Proofers. You can also view their Google reviews.
Hazards of the Home: The Utility Room
The utility room of your home is often inconspicuous and doesn’t always receive much attention. Due to this, many people may skip over it when looking for threats your child may come into contact with. One of the most common threats in the utility room is the washer and dryer. While difficult for adults to hurt themselves, washers and dryers can easily hurt children.
One way is if your child were to crawl into the washer or dryer. That could be extremely harmful, even just when they attempt to get out and fall. Additionally, any power outlets your washer or dryer are plugged into can pose a threat to your child. Any drawers or cabinets that are a part of the washer or dryer can also pose a risk in the form of pinched fingers. At the very least, your child may even accidentally start or stop your appliances which can just be an inconvenience. As you can see, just having a washer and dryer comes with many hazards for your child.
Other hazards often found in the utility room include cleaning supplies and chemicals. Some common cleaning supplies include detergent, bleach, and disinfectant. All of these can be quite harmful to your child if they access them.
One very relevant chemical is the detergent pods, which were the catalyst for an entire trend a couple of years ago. A study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission found that an estimated 18,300 emergency department visits for children under age six between 2013 and 2016 occurred due to liquid laundry packets. When a child sees these, it’s just a small, bright, and colorful item and can resemble candy. This is why detergent pods can be especially dangerous as they may command more of your child’s attention than other chemicals. To prevent any of the aforementioned hazards from harming your child, the best option is the GlideLok.
Why Choose the GlideLok?
As I mentioned in the introduction, the GlideLok is much more accessible and has more safety features than other child proof door locks in Toronto. Most child proof door locks are plastic and go on the door handle. Not only are these often quite flimsy, but children can still reach them and either figure out how to open or the door, or just remove the lock. Instead, the GlideLok sits on top of the door, making it inaccessible for young children.
The GlideLok also reduces the need for multiple kinds of locks or latches inside the room. While it may be advised to have other locks or latches on your cabinets, drawers, etc., the GlideLok can prevent access to the entire room, which is a much safer alternative. To protect your kids, the GlideLok is your best option. Visit the links above to get started on securing your home today!
Written by J.M.S.