child proof door handle lever - children playing

3 MORE Ways to Child Proof a Door Handle or Lever

child proof door handle


Today, I’m going to share with you 3 MORE ways to child proof a door handle or lever. If you read my last blog, I shared 3 ways you could make your door handle – or lever – childproof. And today, I’ve got a few more.

Replace your door handle with door knobs

This will work for very young children, because doors with lever handles are the easiest kind to open. All the child has to do is pull the handle, and they’re off. If you have door knobs, on the other hand, it takes some serious dexterity to get them open.

Early toddlers probably can’t do it yet. So, if you have some knobs laying around, this may buy you some time. But ultimately, you’re still going to have to deal with a child who can open your door.



Get a child proof door lock that clips onto the door and locks the door in a slightly open position

This kind of child lock for doors doubles as a pinch guard because the door stays slightly open, allowing fresh air to circulate. You can place it at any height, so in theory, you could place it up high where kids are less likely to reach it.

My biggest issue with this solution is your door doesn’t completely close. There are times, like when a baby is napping in that room, where you probably don’t want the door open, even if it’s not open wide enough for your toddler to sneak through.

For me, the doors I wanted to keep my kids out of, I wanted to stay shut. Not a little open. Shut. That makes a big difference in terms of sound, and the fact that the child can see it’s slightly open just invites them to try to figure out how to get in. Versus, if the door stayed shut – out of sight, out of mind.

The other issue with this child lock for doors is you have to remove it from your door every time you open it. Yes, unlocking the device means actually taking it off your door, and then putting it back on again when you need to lock it. So for doors you come in and out of frequently, this would get extremely annoying.

OK, are you ready for the one that actually worked for me to child proof a door handle? Here we go. It’s called …


childproof door lever handle GlideLok

The GlideLok Top-of-Door Childproofing System to child proof a door handle or lever

This is the PERFECT option if you need to childproof any door handle in your house – including interior OR exterior doors.

  • It sits at the top of your door, so kids can’t reach it.
  • It’s made of a super durable metal instead of flimsy plastic like 99% of other child proof door locks.
  • And it operates easily from both sides of the door. That means you will never get trapped in a room because your child – or dog – accidentally engages the lock while you’re on the other side of the door. It happens – look it up.
  • It also stays attached to your door even when it’s unlocked, so you don’t have to set it up again and again like the other child lock for doors.

I love the GlideLok so much that my company, Millow Market, became its official online distributor. If it sounds like the GlideLok may be the right fit to childproof your doors, then I’d love for you to check it out today.

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