How to Make Your Front Door Lock Child Proof and Stop Your Toddler From Escaping the House
Is your toddler already at the age where they can open doors? It’s a huge accomplishment for them, right? Big smile on their face, all proud of themselves. And it’s a big milestone for you too … Because now you have to figure out a way to stop them.
Of course, it’s annoying and potentially unsafe when they barge into bedrooms and bathrooms. But there’s one door in your home that is an actual death trap. And while my husband tells me I exaggerate at times, there are statistics that back this one up.
Look at any local news, any message board, any Facebook group for parents, and you will find countless instances of children leaving their house out the front door without a parent.
Uh, worst nightmare, right? These are little toddlers and preschoolers who have no business outside on busy streets alone. They are defenseless, and they need you to help them stay safe ... by making your front door lock child proof.
I consider it my #1 responsibility as a parent to keep my girls safe. Whatever I have to do, I’m going to do it. And I know you would too.
We buy the best car seats, take them to the best pediatricians, and send them to the best preschools because we want what’s best for our kids. And all of those things are wonderful. But you know what else is best? Securing your front door so your toddler doesn’t end up walking down a highway.
The best way to make your front door lock child proof
There are a lot of ways to do this, but I’ve got one that tops them all. This child safety lock was a life-saver for my family, and it gave me great peace of mind when I was busy or on the phone or in a meeting.
It’s called the GlideLok Top of Door Childproofing System:
- It sits at the top of your door, so kids can’t reach it.
- It’s made of an extremely durable metal, instead of flimsy plastic.
- It is SUPER easy for an adult to operate.
- It even works from both sides of the door, which means it’s a great option for your interior doors as well.
The GlideLok is one of the only child proof door locks that works on interior AND exterior doors. In my opinion, it’s the best choice for ALL of my doors, including making my front door lock child proof. And potentially yours too.
I love the GlideLok so much that Millow Market, my company, became its official online distributor. And you’re welcome to check it out if this sounds like a good fit for your family. See the GlideLok now.