The One Thing That Makes Your Childproof Door Lock No Longer Child Proof!
Have you just about had it with your current childproof door lock? Hi, I’m Jessica, founder of Millow Market and mama to two beautiful girls. I’m pretty sure I’ve been in the same boat as you if you have a toddler. They are amazing, precious, sweet – and they get into everything. You know, they’re also pretty dang smart.
So any child safety door lock that you try should be tough to figure out, right? You can search the Internet and find an unending list of options from companies who say their child safety lock is going to be your answer.
But let me give you a little hint. I’ve got one piece of criteria that I think every mom or dad should use when searching for the right child proof door locks for their home. Are you ready?
Your childproof door lock must be out of kids' reach
This is going to eliminate almost every lock out there, by the way. But you know exactly why this is a must-have. Kids are little geniuses. When any child safety lock is installed at kid-level, they have hours a day on their hands to figure it out. And you might not think that they have the manual dexterity to open this thing when you care barely do it. But you know, they always seem to prove us wrong.
On the other hand, even if they don’t figure out how to unlock the door, many kids (who have clearly been working out with dad) manage to rip the child proof lock off your door, leaving damage that looks like your home was invaded. But all this can be avoided if you find a lock that installs completely out of their little reach.
And guess what. I have one for you ...
The GlideLok Top of Door Childproofing System
When I was searching for the right child proof door lock, this product was seriously an answer to prayers. It’s called the GlideLok.
- It sits at the top of your door, so only YOU can reach it.
- A sturdy peg is installed at the top of your door frame, and the GlideLok simply slides across your door to lock and unlock.
- It operates from BOTH sides of your door, which is huge, and it’s in a very inconspicuous spot so most people don’t even realize it’s there.
- The best part is it’s made of extremely durable metal, so this thing will last you for years and years and years.