childproof door lock - toddler looking behind door

The #1 Childproof Door Lock To Help Prevent Choking Accidents

childproof door lock at top


There’s no other way to spin this … The possibility of your child choking is any parent’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, choking is a leading cause of death for children. So, it has become reality for far too many parents.

How to stop a choking accident in your home

Here’s the good news though … It can be prevented with a childproof door lock and a few other suggestions. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way:

  • Install the GlideLok Childproof Door Lock on doors that lead to rooms with choking hazards. This includes older siblings’ bedrooms that may contain small toys or other hazards.
  • Install locks on cabinets and drawers below counter-top level so a child cannot open them.
  • Make it a habit to scan every room for anything small enough to block your child's airway. Once you've trained yourself to watch out for choking hazards, you will instinctively put them away throughout your day.
  • Remove and replace multi-piece door stops. The removable tips of most door stops are a huge choking hazard.


childproof door lock for front door

The best childproof door lock to prevent a choking incident

You can easily implement these steps in a day, and we can help you get started now on the childproof door lock. The GlideLok works with most interior and exterior doors, and it opens from both sides – a huge plus when compared to its competitors. This means you’ll never get locked out.

The GlideLok child safety door lock is made of durable metal instead of cheap plastic. It won’t bend or break – even when put to the test by your very strong toddler!

Our favorite part is the GlideLok is super easy to use. Parents simply slide the lock across the top of the door to lock or unlock. And you can leave it disengaged for as long as you want, without disassembling the entire system.

If you’re interested in a childproof door lock, check out the GlideLok and its customer reviews today.

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